The picture from the book, DISHY DESSERTS has fascinated me for some time now, because this looks like another version of chocolate cakes with a molten centre. And recently, at the Alliance Francaise, in Lorong Gurney, I sampled their chocolate fondant, which didnt look anything to shout about from the outside, but the minute you sank you teeth into it, YUMMMMMMY. (the cafe there is part of the french culinary school, and gourmet supply shop, Gourmandines).
Anyway, since Tuesdays are baking experiment days, I decided to be bold, and try this particular recipe. Maybe I did it wrong, so I'm putting it here so that someone else can try it and tell me if it worked. As you can tell from my pics, mine looks NOTHING like what its meant to look like in the book.
Shoobee doo lang lang:
250gm unsalted butter (now, this seemed like a HECK of a lot of butter)
250 gm dark chocolate
Melt the chocolate and whisk in the butter. (I shortcut this by zapping in microwave. Result was a very watery choco butter solution)
1 cup plain flour
3/4 cup cocoa
Sift together in a bowl. Put aside.
2 eggs, 1 cup sugar
Whisk together, until light and creamy.
Add this into the melted chocolate. Mix, and fold in the flour & cocoa. Pour into 6 individual "dariole" moulds...(dunno what that is, but I just used some tart tins), 3/4 full, and refrigerate for at least 3 hours. (I only refrigerate for 2 hours)
Take out from fridge, plonk onto a baking tray, and bake at a preheated 200C oven for 12-14 minutes.

Now, mine looked and smelt good, but the texture was awful. Also, it was sickeningly rich, I think the butter and chocolate just makes one nauseous after two mouthsful. The texture was all wrong, it was like a mousse, with uncooked flour.......
Any takers? Try and let me know.