Grand Marnier Injected Strawberries
These plump juicy scallops were quickly poached in the same water used to cook the squid ink pasta.

Freshly Poached Scallops
How decadent is THIS?!!! Black truffles, which cost like RM250 for 2 biji, at Mr Ho's. Apparently it's a lot cheaper in Dubai Airport. Hallo, anyone headed there? You there in Abu Dhabi, is Abu Dhabi close to Dubai?

Freshly sliced truffles infused in truffle oil
Who, WHO unless you are a real gourmand and gourmet, I ask, would even dream of shrinking your own grapes??? These babies aren't your commercial raisins, they're actually grapes that have been dehydrated in a slow oven....and now swimming in muscat.

Home dried grapes in Muscat Sauce
Pre-grilled egg plant. According to chef, use the Japanese kind because they have less seeds.

Grilled Japanes Eggplant

Grilled Shitake Mushrooms
Two bottles of Prosecco between three people later, (we were saving the vintage Moet, Verve Cliqout and GRAND VINTAGE Moet for dinner), dinner was ready, ...... the eggplant with pesto was gobbled down so quickly, I completely forgot to take a picture. But it was GOOD.
This potted crab, lovingly steamed and peeled by chef, (I think peeling crab for someone is one of the greatest sacrifices in life), marinated in butter, lemon, etc etc....is absolutely DEEEVINE!!!! The slight tang, butteriness, argh, shivers down my spine just recollecting it.

Potted Crab on Toast
Not normally a fan of cold gazpacho type soups, I was really curious about the next offering, chilled moritomo tomatoes. Honestly, it was superb. Slightly tangy, sweet, savoury all at the same time, complemented by a light head induced by vintage champagne, it really was happy times.

Chilled Moritomo Tomato Soup
The next dish, I think speaks for itself. Perfect. Al dente squid ink ...errr....not sure if it was vermicelli or what, tossed in the fish roe with a juicy scallop. I could eat this as a whole main. Very light and refreshing.

Squid Ink Pasta with Ebiko and Poached Scallops
Well, DimSumintheCity, if you're reading this, guilty, on the charge of "eating oodles of this stuff". What to do, I don't seek it, it comes to me. Words can't even begin to describe one's happiness upon seeing a platter of these beauties.

But we weren't to gobble the platter like a flock of vultures. We were elegantly served individual portions on this stunning muscat sauce.

I don't even know when the chef had time to whip this up.

Left over Pan Seared Foie Gras On Roasted Potatoes
Finally, the risotto with creamed leeks, shitake and truffles. I doubt I would ever have the patience to whip up a risotto, let alone present it like this. The combination of flavours was superb. Creamy, rich, and the aroma from the truffles..... [dreamy gaze]

Risotto With Creamy Leeks, Shitake Mushroom and Truffles
And to finish it, and a perfect ending I might add, were these drunken strawberries. Any other dessert might actually have been too rich after this meal.

Dessert - Grand Marnier Strawberries
What can I say, but a big THANK YOU!!!!! You are the best. Really, great company, superb food, great alcohol, what more can a person ask for!!!!