I digress, and risk sounding too deep and meaningful, when in reality, I am as shallow as this tank.

Check out the huge mother of groupers (garoupas) here. Son was asking me how they survive in such a small area. I told him they were like death row prisoners in their cell, waiting to be executed, so did not need to roam freely. Strange, how these efforts to inculcate veganism or vegetarianism into kids just fail miserably. All he said was, "good point".
I'm still a virgin, when it comes to these interesting looking creatures, called GEODUCKS, pronounced apparently as GweeDuck. Why the hell spell it as GEO when it's pronounced GWEE? No wonder the government is reviewing the policy of teaching Science and Math in English. In Malay, it would be unambiguously spelt as it sounded. GWIDAK. A lecturer from the UIA, in making her point for the reversal of the policy, (she's in favour of NOT teaching Math & Science in English), said, "afterall, a polygon is a poligon, and a molecule is molikul". Not sure what her point was. Gosh, I seem to be going off tangent a fairbit. Where as I? Oh, yes, still a virgin.

I almost felt like I was scuba diving as I gazed at these Scottish Bamboo Clams. (Chok Tan in chinese). Except in the natural surrounding, I doubt they'll be tied in bunches of 8 like that.

Live crabs these days will always remind me of Precious Pea, the Queen Of Crabs. This is the place of execution, just before it goes under the butcher's knife.

After watching that massacre, it was nice to return to some peaceful tofu, where no animals were harmed in preparation of the dish, except for some fish, I guess, since there is fish maw (I think that's what it is) on top of the spinach bean curd. I love the golden needle mushroom that accompany this dish. And the spinach within the bean curd is a brilliant way of getting kids to eat spinach....all of 0.01 milligrams of it.

Kailan cooked two ways. I take my cap off to the chef who first thought of deep frying the kailan leaves into a crisp, so much so that vegetable averse children even chomp on it. Not sure if the oil from the deep frying has worse effects than not eating vegetables at all.

And still more vegetable. It's not the hymenia bean, but is the water convululus. Fried in shrimp paste. (Belacan). I dread it when this dish turns up super oily. But this one was okay.

This Soon Hock Fish, (Bamboo Fish) was HUGE!!! Probably named Willy. The thing with soon hocks, the larger the fish, the firmer (and therefore better) the flesh. This was superb, and the flesh firm and sweet, perfectly steamed. 10/10 for this particular dish!!!

Just to give an idea of the scale of the fish. (Not the scales of the fish, the SCALE of the Fish in relation to size)

CRABS. Yummy. But actually I am O/D-ing on these salted egg crab, and the next time I have crabs, I think I want them plainly steamed.

Eating crabs is a dangerous affair. I shed blood to do it. I hope Anne Bancroft doesn't need a magnifying glass to see the extent of my injuries.

All Chinese birthdays must have noodles. So these were our birthday noodles. (oh incidentally the occasion was my nephew's 6th birthday).

Superb. Boston lobster. What can I say. It was yummy!
And finally, a mint choc mousse cake, courtesy of Uncle here. Always a hit in the family, these mint cakes.

Actually, dinners at Chinese Restaurants are always better value, in my opinion, coz for starters, they don't charge corkage. For less than RM100 per head, you get far better food than say in a Western joint. (I'm not talking about hotel chinese restaurants).
Unique Seafood in PJ, along Jln Kemajuan, has also renovated their premises and have several rooms, that offer fairly nice ambience, even with karaoke. In our case, it was a win win situation. Bro in law wanted to watch the Singapore Grand Prix, (they have a flat screen in the room), there was plenty of space for the kids to run about, birthday boy could wield his new light sabre without killing any of the public, we had free flow wine with no corkage, and excellent food. What more can you ask for? Who needs candlelight and classical music and stuffy waiters....