The occasion? The birthday celebration of two of our most prominent, most famous, most photographed, most adored by women, food bloggers, Jackson Kah and Simon Seow. In fact, Simon's camera is full of pics of him posing next to celebrities, like Amber, etc.....
I was incredibly early, coz Jackson told me dinner was 7pm. Too lazy to log on to facebook to reconfirm, I took his word for it, afterall, he was the host, and it was at his premises. When I arrived, no one was there, except Jackson and his colleague, who were busy discussing about work. I quickly excused myself and sneaked in a brief workout by walking one end of 1u, from the old wing, to the other. ie, from Pick and Brew, to MPH and back. Wonder how many km is that?

Oddly enough, I have yet to patronise this restaurant, although I did pop in once when it was still under renovations. Reviews have been pretty mixed, so I was quite curious to see for myself. Love the little knick knacks that adorn the place. Coffee grinders, coffee pots, coffee beans, a world map made from coffee beans. Obviously that is supposed to the core business. Coffee.

I am a plebian, and give me butter (salted only) with my bread any day. This olive oil and balsamic vinegar combo was a novelty to me when I first tried it like 20 years ago, but eventually, who am I kidding, I am an uncultured buffoon, who opts for all the unhealthy foods in life. Butter butter please.
Since the youth of today were all late, (like 8.30 and still no quorum), I decided to placate my hunger pangs (after my 1km within 1 u workout) by ordering some bruschetta. Obviously bread is not a scarce commodity in this place.
Since the youth of today were all late, (like 8.30 and still no quorum), I decided to placate my hunger pangs (after my 1km within 1 u workout) by ordering some bruschetta. Obviously bread is not a scarce commodity in this place.

While I have no complaints about the thick chunkalicious bread (which was spread with butter), it did make elegant eating a bit of a challenge.

The toppings of the bruschetta were good, and overall, it was a rather tasty dish. I love the pink color of the smoked salmon.
Teckiee, who strolled in after the bruschetta, brought these Japanese something something (doraemon?), two with custard filling, two with red bean. As I was already filling up on bread, and my chick smoothie, I abstained.

Guess who's fingers are those?
Then came the mains. I kinda pleaded with everyone to order different dishes, coz I am thinking of reviewing this restaurant as my maiden article in MY NOURISHMENT magazine. Everyone kindly acquiesced. I asked Jackson to order the Moussaka, although he was full.

Not exactly your traditional greek moussaka, this was more like lamb mince, with aubergine topping swimming in bechamel sauce. However, the taste is good. Perhaps they should rename it something else to avoid any false expectation. The sauce is cheesy, and rich, and actually, I personally would not have been able to work through an entire dish of this myself. Good to share.

Teckiee's Tikka
Basically lamb mince shaped like sausages. Flavoursome, and not too lamby. Love the brilliant colors and accompaniments to the tikka. Oh, we all kinda gave each other a piece of ourselves to try, hence my verdict about flavoursome.

Hmmm, what was this? Chicken rendang? I think Simon ordered this. Again, I love all the presentations of food. Striking colors, and looks appealing from afar. Much like a girl with makeup. Tastewise, it was also good.

The Leng Lui shooting her prey.

An insight into the Moussaka. As you can see, it doesn't have the traditional lasagne type layers of egg plant, that characterises the real thing.

Chicken Cordon Bleu, ordered by Jason Ipoh Mali Tidak Sombong. I thought it tasted good, and I love the red jelly thing, I think it's cranberry jelly. I might actually order this next time. Again, full marks for color.

My snapper crusted with oats and muesli. Dunno what possessed me to suddenly attempt to be healthy. Mine seemed the most boring of the lot, but however, I did like the bed of spinach that lay beneath the fish. The fish was tasty, but the texture not great. A bit soft.

Like a Bride Within the Veil.....In Pensive Thought....

Anyway, I had a enjoyable time, and it was fun meeting up with the legendary Simon Seow, aka Celebrity Blogger....
Wishing the both of you Happy Birthday, and may you have a great year ahead.
Wishing the both of you Happy Birthday, and may you have a great year ahead.
to prove my utmost unsarky recent comment (and ending a 7 days drought), i should be the first one to drop a line on this, another entertaining post (wayyyy better than yesterday's un'boleh'ness 30+ minutes match)...half-court returns??? slow paced game??? harlow?????
or perhaps it was fated la. lin dan's smashes were formidable just like lemongrass' pics. we can only watch in awe.
yupe, i definitely agree with you on the presentation of the food at pick 'n brew. brilliant.
A very Happy Birthday to Jackson and Simon. May you two always be surrounded by good food and good friends!
Oh, so we're in the medal tally list now, are we? I was wondering when that would happen. Esp after noting that Thailand and Indonesia were already in since last week..
Interestingly enough, what Pick N Brew call Tikka, is called Kebab here. And Tikka is usually chunks of boneless meat.
BTW, I met Jackson for the first time at Ikea. We got into the same lift, and he was instantly recognisable. I said 'hello' and he was a bit flummoxed that this stranger would greet him so familiarly. Didn't help that I am a lurker in his blog and he has no idea whatsoever who I am..
*sits and waits for desserts. Maybe a lemongrass jelly..*
You are so funny - and your thought processes are scarily like mine in many ways!!!!
Word association...Pick what?
A simply amazing post. What photos won't do for you, words do. I am in awe at such mastery of the english language. If Shakespeare were alive, his Touchstone would have to do battle with our Fatboybakes, and we all know who will win in the battle of wit and humour.
And may I add, what lucky buggers those two flers are. How many people get a birthday cake (and a durian cheese, no less!) from such an impressive baker. One can only hope......(for pavlova).
Hahahaha.. the above comment is priceless. Absolutely dripping with sar, I mean compliments!!
LL - FBB can take on Shakespeare and Wordsworth ler..
lonely as a cloud indeed..
Lovely photos and I do agree that the food presentation is excellent. I wonder why your fish was soft while mine was dry the last time I was there?
Hey! You know, when I was back in KL for a short while in June, I went to 1U almost every day - just 'cos we were staying with CN's folks who live just round the corner - to shop/eat/do some banking. On one of those days we were with his parents and we really felt like having coffee (and something sweet... for me) and we chanced across this place. Lots had changed about 1U over the past year - new shops springing up everywhere. Anyway, we walked in and were welcomed by a somewhat familiar face... and I thought, hey, he looks like that Jackson Kah who has been featured occasionally in fatboy's blog. Very much like. I nearly asked him if his name was Jackson. Anyway I forgot about it after all that happened that week, although I did not forget the coffee and was hoping for another opportunity to pop in. Didn't happen though. Great place. Great coffee! and my carrot cake... well, I had to share it with the others *grumble* did YOU supply it by any chance?
i have a conspiracy theory about CHONG Wei Lee's dismal performance at the Finals. I think he got a death threat or something lidat... and to prove that they are serious , they changed his named to chong wei lee... , sure stun 9 him anytime...
The guy who bolted 100mm with a new WR is on drugs... just wonder why they not catching him... effortless 9.69 100mm... walao...
Oh, the match yesterday was surely weep-worthy if not cringe-worthy as well. Dude still got a silver, no?
Now, back to the blog at hand: You, sir, are most wonderful at your food photography but one has to confess having his breath taken away by the King of Candid Shots at his finest game.
Cue Evidence 1: Shot of Mr. SS with chunkaliciousthickbread in his maw.
Cue Evidence 2: The reclusive Bride Within the Veil...
(Not to forget that shot of the last Bday Girl all a-yawning... but that's a different story...)
a most well picked place with some nice looking ( tho simple ) food, except where's the other big lady celebrities we saw only one ?
Then how can no Brew?
becoz the Groom too pensive issit ?
hairy berry, my favourite across the causeway blogger, you are too kind. i myself dont watch the matches, coz my poor heart cant take the stress of it all. i did get an sms from a friend saying she finds lin dan HOT. brrr....
kat, teckiee's tikka was boneless mah. i thought kebabs are those skewered ones? mental note to self, MUST USE THE WORD FLUMMOXED. i love that word, but never gotten around to using it. bow bow.
caked crusader, heh mean same words crossed your mind? Pick Your Nose? Can u think of any other words we can play this word associating with?
lemongrass, my screen nearly dissolved from that acerbity.... excuse my ignorance, what was shakespeare's touchstone?
kat, exactly, dripping aitelyu
daphne, however now that i have a better insight into the F&B world, (F&B, not FBB), i guess the biggest prob for them is consistency, esp seafood and beef. so i am a leetle more forgiving these days, unless the fish is completely off, in which case, hell hath no fury....
HL, no, alas, i am not the supplier of their cakes. Their legendary apple crumble cheesecake ahem, apparently was inspired by my apple crumble post awhile back. Actually i like the setting of this cosy little cafe.
bernsy, yalar, china mah. anything is possible. (hahaha, so racist we all)...oops, forgot, same ancestry. damn! really? the black guy WR 100m is on drugs? WHY on EARTH would they do that? surely they know they will be caught?
kenny mah, guffaw, king of candid shots... its so difficult though, you never know who's pic you can or cant put up.
BSG, yall havent patronised our jackson kah's outlet meh? aiyo, must must. long time no see, when we drinking again?
Looks like you are getting a lot of invites to birthday parties. And becoming a metrosexual post by post.
The less said about the men singles final, the better.
You didn't put up the husband and wife shot??? :o)
the 1km walk was ur exercise.. and then u ate muesli fish.. sooooooo healthy one, this baker.. :P
hahaha...yes..definitely will wonder if i can pick my nose the nxt time i go there n dine..just make sure its a private room..
nipples, quite a cool name for restaurant right. hey guys, lets go pick your nose.
ciki, dont forget the smoked salmon bruschetta AND the healthy strawberry banana smoothie.
wmw, i dunno whether the leng lui minds having her nuptial photos displayed for all to see leh.
me, metrosexual? i better look up the definition. i thought david beckham was metrosexual. cracking head to see any similarities.
Some words are just nicer to say than others. Love the way they get the tongue all excited - twisting, writhing and rolling.. :D
Flabbergasted is another one of my favourites.
you have a thing for F words eh, kat.
oh, lemongrass, i have a special dedication to you. almost too good to be wasted in a comments section, but i know crown you DSLR queen.
Great shooting , food looks real good ... especially that shot 'behind the veil' of Jackson!
ps - Haven't been there for some months now, but I did enjoy my first visit to "Pick"....
apparently, I owe the DSLR queen a favour and she asked for it to be returned by coming up with something nice to represent her enviable acronym (while she's away balancing accounts).
so, the best i can think of (for now) is DELICIOUS SCRUMPTIOUS LEMONGRASS RENDANG. i read somewhere she makes a helluva yummy rendang.
again, fbb, we can only read and drool in awe.
Eh, how you know the 'f' word is oso my favourite word?? Mutter it under my breath all the time.. :D
BTW, I really enjoy The F word with Gordon Ramsay as well.. :D
*sits back and waits for lemongrass' witty retort*
woah, ah kat, same timing. what coincidence!
oh, am waiting for ll's witty, sar retort as well! ;D
whee!!! can I join in the fun with DELICATE SUCCULENT LEMONGRASS REVERENCE?
Fatboy, I am honoured. This is what I've been waiting for all my blogging life! My existence is now complete! I wanna thank my mama, my papa, my twin babies who suffered through my rendang chicken while I perfected it, my beloved bald hubby who allowed me to practice my spelling on his shiny head to avoid any such mishaps like sarKastic, and you, main inspiration and the reason why I am the DIVINELY SARKASTIC LEMONGRASS REPARTEE queen today. You....complete me. *wiping away tear from Fatboy's cheek* (oh waitaminute, I told Hairy the same thing oso....but young Hairy doesn't deserve it).
Delightfully Satirical Lemongrass Rocks!!
Your hacienda rocks lah.. don't ever abandon it, 'kay? ;)
kat, awww, how encouraging. thanks.
Queen DSLR, i think i have to say that of all the titles, henry yeo's suits you the best. (DELICATE SUCCULENT LEMONGRASS REVERENCE)or DELISUCLEER for short. Clever as my favourite hairy's is, DELICIOUS SCRUMPTIOUS LEMONGRASS RENDANG can easily be mistaken as a description of the dish with the grass that is also a herb. (that's what wiki said) you may attribute your oscar speech to the young lad who so idolises you.
henry yeo, watch out for DSLR's acceptance speech.
hairy & kat, yes, what would life be, without her song and her dance what are we, so i say thank your for the music, for giving it to (breaking out in ABBA song)
hey jules verne, you obviously dive in the same flogging circles, how come i havent bumped into you earlier hor!!! great find. nice to meet you, thanks for dropping by. we can single malt one day. (with all the other wonderful floggers of course, whom i've grown to love so much)
what a coincidence. i was there the same night as well. me and a friend came for coffee and dessert... and now after reading this, i shall make a second visit for the mains. (and perhaps a third for their in-house brewed coffee)
tiki, yeah, even i must go back for the coffee, which i hear is very good. so did you see us in the veiled room?
yalor, you so famous, that's why so sombong, never visit me anymore. sigh.....
Mine is Nasi Kerabu with Chicken on Satay sauce. Although I always thought Nasi Kerabu is blue in colour. It was delicious nevertheless. I'm no legendary la. You're more the celebrity. Your Durian Cheesecake is legendary.
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