Most times, egg whites will be used up, when recipes call for separation of egg and state. ie, for chiffon cakes, lemon meringue pies...but not for tiramisus, though while some recipes incorporate the egg white into the filling, mine doesn't, so for every yolk I have, there's be the balance egg white.
So anyway, on Saturday, I had told my raya open house host that I'll bring a sticky date pudding, but after baking it, it seemed a tad tiny. Although I used a 8" round tin instead of square tin, it still seemed very shallow. KSL pointed out maybe it was meant to be shallow, like a brownie. But the taste seemed to go down quite well with everyone. It's a different texture to the one sold my my friend, Mrs McGregor. Her's seems to be more springy and spongy, whereas mine is more like a dense cake. But as I said, the taste was fine, rather delicious if I may say so myself.

So, to rectify the small looking cake, I thought I'd attempt a pavolva of sorts, but stupidly, didn't bother referring to the books, so just whipped up the meringue (yes, the kenwood whips egg whites stupendously well), plonked them onto baking tray and baked on low heat. Wasn't till after that I read that you need to add cornflour la, vinegar la, this la that la. So, my meringue never hardened. Nevertheless it still did not deter me from turning it into a strawberry meringue. Which to me tasted okay, if you like meringue.

While we're on the topic of meringues, indeed, the kenwood does whip egg white really well, and for 5 my egg whites, I've never managed to get such a tall meringue before. I'm not sure how the cooked texture tasted like, but I reckon it looks good. The lemon meringue pie below was an order for Sunday.