Instinctively I said NOOOOOOOOOO, I DONT MAKE WEDDING CAKES, and it's absolutely true, I DON'T. Ever since the first one, done for a very special friend (that was even before I started "selling" stuff"), I swore, never again. I'm not sure what I swore on. Anyway, there are a few times when you can get me to say, when I would normally say no. 1. when I'm err....happily high. 2. when I am in a hurry 3. when I intend to have an escape plan B. I cannot for my life remember HOW or WHY I said yes. And you know how quickly time flies these days. It's like Rapunzel's father promising his firstborn to the neighbour.... only to find, lo and behold, the dateline has arrived.
DAY 1 - Anyway, it was with great trepidation that I set out with this task. First were the dimensions. My first attempt was very ambitious, with the base at 14" diameter, which used up enough electricity to power a small village. This time, I was wiser, and used a 10" for the base, and baking time wasn't too bad.
DAY 2 - Another lesson I had learnt from the previous attempt, was don't bother making your own fondant. Sure, it's cheaper, but the massage bill after that kinda equalises the cost. Ready made fondant is SOOOO much easier to roll out. Tah dah. Rolled out in less than 5 minutes.
DAY 3 - less than 36 hours to the event. Argh, panic panic. How to decorate? Frantic sms to the bride revealed, 1. theme was lavender and cream, 2. they did not have any figurines to put on top. Deep breaths.
Went to Bangsar Village florist. Yikes, how much ribbon do I need? Where is unkaleong when you need him? Circumference for 10" dia, 8" dia and 6" dia please.... let's see, 10"circumference is 2 PI R. 2 x 3.1413x 5 = 32 inches la, let's say. Okay, 2 meters please lady.
[Roll eyes in disbelief]. Petite assistant uses the arm method to measure a metre. Is it a JENGKAL? DEPA? Another reason why they should teach Math and Science in English. Google it, and you can't get any info. You gotta be kidding me lady. I ask the lady boss, "you measure laidat ah"? She grabs the roll from the assistant, and uses HER ARMS instead. Fine. I get back to the office and use the measuring tape, and the blardy ribbon is 180cm only!!!! 20cm short. That's TEN PERCENT!!!! And not enough for the cakes.
ARGGHHHHHHH, rush back to the shop, WITH MEASURING TAPE in pocket. Actually, 2meters is JUST about enough to circumnavigate the three cylindrical shapes. No room for error. Wife help me cut off the fraying edges, but I say, ARRRRGH, careful careful, we have no extra to spare. After much fiddling around, and rushing to go off for birthday dinner at Cuisine Studio, tah dah............
Then, THE JOURNEY to Ambang Botanic, in Klang. With no one to help me, I had to leave the cake in the boot, (4WD boot la, not the sedan car type), and stop after every bump to inspect if it had toppled. Fortunately, it arrived intact.

And awwwwwwww, this is the sight that makes it all worthwhile. Although I was not there to witness it.
So, congratulations my dears, Julian and Louise. The cake might not have been perfect, but is representative of real life, with all its flaws and dents, but made and given with affection and as a token of friendship.
Love is patient, love is kind and is not jealous; love does not brag and is not arrogant,does not act unbecomingly; it does not seek its own, is not provoked, does not take into account a wrong suffered, does not rejoice in unrighteousness, but rejoices with the truth; bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. 1 Corinthians 13: 4-7
God bless you both as you journey on this life of matrimony together.
Awwww, you're even quoting scripture. Amen, sister, amen!
The cake's beautiful. Will you bake one for my 10th wedding anniversary? :-P
It's the heart that matters :) I'm sure that they appreciate for what you have done for them!
No wonder you are stressed~
The cake is beautiful!
Wah - Nice! I guess this shows that you work very well under pressure.... :)
.... so, please help me make my wedding cake, ok? Don't worry - you have plenty of time to prepare because I don't even have a bf yet.
ThankYouBerryMuchhh.... :) :)
i would have gotten a heart attack everytime the car went over a bump.
The cake is lovely lar! Anything made from the heart will turn out a'ight;) Congrats to Louise and Julian!
*guffaws* at the circumference measurement ;) Jengkal is the distance from the tip of outstretched thumb to outstretched pinky. Depa is your wingspan. What is Hasta already har?
I thought bakers usually assemble the cake AFTER they arrive at the wedding location?? :D
The flower topper is a lovely idea. Next time you can also use smaller flowers instead of ribbons to decorate the sides.
My 20th anniversary coming up in 8 years. Enough time to practise or not?
AWWWWWWW. What a lovely gesture. What's even more lovely is your cake. Looks great. Well done Ah Pa!
Hope my events didn't send you on such a drama trip!
It was a true privilege to have your cake grace our special day ... Cheers, hugs, love bro :-)
J and L
awww. so touching! the cake is gorgeous ahpa.. love it!!!
Firstly, congrats to Julian and Louise! :D
Secondly, wahhh Ah Pa... you popped your wedding cake-baking cherry (as you might put it, hehe)... and it sure is a bootiful one, drama-drama included. :D
To this day, we are thankful, privileged, still amazed, stunned, gobsmacked, awed and touched.
It was gorgeous and looked as good on film as it did in real life - so glad we were able to remember it that way too although it was hacked apart and ingested after that! do all wedding cakes have to come to such macabre ends??
one day we will foot a massage bill. belated one! xx
HL, it was truly my honor to make your cake. that you and CN had such faith in me at THAT stage was amazing! it really gave me confidence to try other things after that, albeit easier stuff! and it was really made with lurve.
LFB, its my 2nd wedding cake, la, not cherry popping.
cikay, you sooo sweetch.
jules and louise, glad it went well and yall liked it. send me the nice pics ya.
qwazymonkey, hmmm, your event ah, lagi worse! but at least didnt have to worry about the christmas log toppling in the car la.... or did i?
gfad, 8 years, 80 years, whats the diff. no way jose. some cakes, those with the elevated tiers, are assemled in situ..
unka, maybe hasta is that la, half the wingspan. or could be from elbow to fingertip. gawd, if i had a contractor building my house based on those measurements, i'd want someone as tall and long as... who ah? who's tallest amongst our friends? youkokhoe?
nipples, what do you think IIII went through. some more all by myself.
J, a person has to learn to say no, so, NO.
amelia, thanks so much.
TNG, yalor. now i know why wedding cakes are so expensive!
thule, yes, it was rewarding to see them happy with the cake.
thamby, amen to you too. your 10th, your 100th, no difference thamby...the answer, like to J, is still NO.
aw the cake so beautiful, well done!
Hi, lovely cake! Where did you buy the ready made fondant? Making fondant (or should I say ATTEMPTING to make) in our hot and humid weather wasn't a delightful exercise at all!
babe, you too kind.
ally, i forgot to credit my godma for giving me a good 2kg of the fondant, but you can buy it at bake with yen, roughly RM50 per 2kg pack. i think.
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