This year was no exception, and Thamby, aka the Queen, has been pestering me for nearly a month for a date. Little did I know, she used my Achilles Heel Du Jour, Fratmustard, to con me into committing to a date. Like two footballers strategizing towards the goal, passing the ball in perfect choreography, they perform their best.
On two separate MSN chats: (reproduced as far as I can recall)
Thamby: so, give us a date
FBB: No need la
T: 3rd December?
On another MSN:
Frat: eh, you free 3rd Dec?
FBB: Hmm, very fishy, thamby just asked me the same thing. Why?
Frat: oh, food review at Exotic
FBB: I can't say no to Thamby and accept your invite.
Frat: Screw Thamby la.
FBB: You are sooo dead....
Frat: Don't care. So you on?
FBB: Ya, okay.
Back to Thamby:
FBB: I not free la, on 3rd Dec.
Thamby: Cis, how come?
FBB: Got food review.
This must have been where I got caught hook line and sinker.
Fast forward, the Monday before the event. I totally forgot about the food review, and accepted dinner with Dr Jimmy, an old friend. I tell wife I am having dinner with Dr Jimmy, and she who is in cahoots with the surprise team, thinks I am pulling her leg. The con-team panics, and Frat quickly reminds me about the food review. I go, ARRRRRGH, I TOTALLY FORGOT. Luckily, Dr Jimmy was quite understanding, and allowed me to postpone our dinner.
Frat offers to pick me up on the night of the party. Wife says, "oh well, since you're going out, I'm also going out with the girls. (since it was a group of old friends, I didn't quite suspect). He rambles on about how the QGuides had managed to secure two new contracts with err... Cava, and Daikanyama, and since we were at Changkat BB (which should be renamed Changkat Babi, due to the many Porcine Shrines), he said he'd stop by at Daikanyama to pick up the contract.
And THEN I SAW IT!!!! GASP!!!!

What was HE doing outside Daikanyama, in full size some more!!!!! YIKESSSSSSSSSSSS!
Gathered there, friends from Standard 3, and friends who weren't even born when we were in Standard 3, bloggers and non bloggers, all shouting SURPRISE. Which it really was. HATS off to Thamby and Judas Frat Iscariot Mustard for such brilliant execution.
Thanks to Thamby, Bald Eagle, Ahboy (for that CUTE CUTE STANDEE), Fratmustard aka Judas, Masak Masak, Paprika, Unkaleong, Thenomadgourmand, Nipple Joe, Cumi & Ciki, Memoirs of Chocoholic, ToyCouple, Logan & Karen, dear Leon Lai, (Favourite Diva Instructor), The Just Heavenly Master Bakers (also for the lovely cheesecake), Cheng Ying, the dashing Andre of Rama V, the ever so bubbly Cheryl, cousin of Paprika and Barricuda and Edwin of Daikanyama. Special thanks to my old and dear friends, The Deaf One, Khaw Tai Tai, and my oldest oldest friend, Encik AAA.
You guys made it a night to remember. Copious amounts of Sake later....

Anyway, two weeks before this, Thamby had invited me, courtesy of Barri, and Edwin, to Daikanyama for a food tasting session. I instantly fell in love with the food, and the place, and mulled over the idea of hosting dinner there for my old friends.
This is what we had for that original food tasting night.

A lovely fish jerky kinda starter. Absolutely tasty and chewy, with a delicious mayonnaise.

Apparently Daikanyama is the name of a train stop. For me, Daikanyama will now and forever mean, "I AM LOVED BY MY FRIENDS".

A lettuce parcel, with lots of yummy bits inside.

Special sushi rolls, with sashimi salmon with a twist. I love this interpretative Japanese cuisine thingies.

My favourite. Pork and garlic yakitoris. What could be more blissful.

Oh dear, I can't remember what this was. I think it was cheese baked scallops. Must have been good, coz everything was good that night.

Another porky dish, kinda like an eggroll wrapped around pork. Eggs and pork, again, what a blissful partnership.

I LOVE THIS DISH. It's those mushrooms with the really fat stems. Dunno what they're called, but it taste like vegetarian scallops. Sauteed lightly in butter, it was fantastic texture and taste.

Mini pizzas...which were a bit out of place in the menu, I felt

Pan Seared Maguro Tuna, with a scintillating sauce, that really enhanced the flavour.

Squid Ink Pasta, with garlic flakes, that were moving from the steam, and looked alive. Fascinating effects. And the squid ink pasta was superb. Al dente, and not fishy at all.

More sushi. I felt like a duck reared for its foie gras! Eat eat eat.

Pork Fried Rice. Enough wok hei, and fluffy grainy rice that made for a perfect fried rice.

I have to thank Thamby again, for inviting me, and for Barri for hosting. Twas a lovely dinner, and despite having been there twice now, I can't wait to go again!
Location: It's along Changkat Bt Bintang, more or less opposite El Cerdo.
"For me, Daikanyama will now and forever mean, "I AM LOVED BY MY FRIENDS"
Awwwwww. So schweet Ah Pa! I've got tears in my eyes.
Very very sweet Ah Pa. You are well loved because you love so well!
Eh, suddenly you are AhPa to so many chewren.. :D
You are the true testament to "the more you give, the more you shall receive". :)
Fattening duck indeed.. :D All the sake will negate whatever fatty effects the food has on your liver.
If this doesn't make her FOTY 2009, dunno what will.. :D
Thamby and Judas Frat Iscariot Mustard !! LOL .. eh, link my utube shot so ppl can see your face and ur crazy reaction :P
happy burfday ahpa.. may u grow wiser and stronger every year :)
xoxo, c&c
link to FBB's shocked face when we yelled SURPRISE!
What a great night, eh? :) :)
(I think we're all ecstatic that you're happy, especially all the conspirators and most of all the Lovely Thamby Lemongrass - truly an award winning friend....)
Happy birthday again FBB! :) :)
You are loved FBB! You are always so kind and generous with your "children" and us freeloaders :-)))
It was a lovely evening filled with a lot of love and mayo.
LOL the face is priceless! happy burpday again :D
I shall forever be filled with remorse for missing this splendid occasion, which would have marked my momentous first encounter in real life with FBB! Happy Belated Birthday! It was evidently an unforgettable one! *Slit wrists continue flow*
ah is forever, from one of your many adopted children (haha)
Yay, The Deaf One passed the test and didn't leak the surprise!
Seriously, this must have been the toughest party to plan, man. Everybody needs a Judas.
Glad you had a wonderful time, tangechi. You are loved by all. (or at least 99% of the population lah.)
omg, liddat how to ask you to commit a date for your belated birthday meal? i'll ask AWOL for tips..haha. my Judas, anyone???
you deserve every happy moment at the party lah, fbb. you da champion! wish i could be there too. nvm, i'll see ya soon! ;D
Judas signing in... Happy Birthday again FBB... my only wish was that the next day wasn't a working day... oooh but wait... there was Chowtut and THAT was awesome too!
See you for Pub Crawl!
You forgot the dancing part!!
step 1 - twist the lgith bulb
step2 - pat your dog
step 3 - blame it on God?
Step 4 - eer..?? I dunno you?
eiks..i forgot too! but i had a darn good laugh i tell you!
hey jude, shudder, what pub crawl? anyway, thanks jude dude for playing such a pivotal role! hugs.
hairy berry, yes, you were missed. your name was mentioned by me a few times.
thamby, only 99%? I WANT TO BE LOVED BY ALL.....
TNG, logan's damn good right!!!! so talented. and handsome. sometimes I wonder if the Creator is unfair.
awww, nipples, thankyou young man. hugs.
550ml, i am beginning to wonder if you are actually thamby in disguise, like clark kent and superman. one cant appear at the same time as the other.
babekl, heh heh, yeah, such a shocker. tahnks again.
paps, you are all my chewdren....embracing all.
JQ, thanks so much for being there!
C&C, dearests, thanks so much, hugs hugs...tight tight till i hear those bones crack.
gfad, hahah, ya, my brood is growing, just like my liver.
allan&Nigel, awww, that is so sweetly profound. thanks. you are truly my idols.
qwazymonkey ahboy, thanks soooo much ya, for that adorable standee!!! hugs.
Wanted to go to the surprise party so BAD!! but couldn't make it in the end due to work. glad that you had a great time!
Glad you were surprised bro. Your facialexpression caught on U Mei's camera? Priceless! *hugs*
unka, i knowwww, hugs.
leo, thanks buddy, its the thought that counts.
Sowwy I missed this cos was in China. Such a lovely surprise and happy happy people! :D
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