Was rather pleased with these three items. These large measuring jugs, which can fill up to nearly 2 litres I think, cost only RM2!!!! TWO BUCKS!!!! And that little kettle thingie is a timer, costing RM5.90. Pretty good.
For my cell group on Friday night, I wanted to try Delia's Flaky Pastry. In her book, she described it as the cheat's puff pastry, but just as delicious. Something about puff pastry having a million layers, in french, as opposed to flaky pastry which may only have 50....actually, it didn't HAVE any layers at all.
It might be easier than MAKING puff pastry, but it certainly is a heck lot harder than buying ready puff pastry. Here's what you need to do, for a double crusted pie. (ie, base and top).
1 block of butter, FROZEN....but cut into long blocks
3 cups flour
ice water
pinch of salt
Grate the frozen butter onto the sifted flour. This obviously has to be done quickly. With my tubby fingers and high body heat, this proved an insurmountable task. The frozen butter was melting faster than I could say ANCHOR. Anyway, you're supposed to incorporate the butter into the flour using a palette knife. Once its more or less incorporated, you slowly pour in 3 tablespoons of water to make it cohese? cohesify? together.
Refrigerate for 30 minutes. Roll out 3/5ths for the base, put with filling of choice in 9" pie pan or dish. In this case, it was chicken, mushroom and coriander. Roll out the remaining for the top. Brush with glaze. Bake in 180C oven until brown.
Well, it was quite well received by my cell group.
Verdict: The flaky pastry is rather delicious, because of the butter. I think what I'd do next time is use the grater of the food processor to minimise the contact with the human hand. I would freeze the butter in long sticks. (basically cut the block of butter in half lengthwise). I try again then let yall know la hor.
The other item I recently procured was the entremet ring. Me and fellow food blogger cum cafe cum bookshop operator went scouting around for restaurant equipment, and supplies, and based on my internet research, found this little place in Sri Damansara called ABS Supplies. They have a wide range of stuff, mostly imported, and hence, very expensive. This non descript 8" ring cost RM62 before discount. She let me have it for RM40 because of a boo boo on the pricing of the deep pan pizza dish. It's made from this gorgeous material called bluestone, and was priced at RM15. I thought WHAT A STEAL!!!! Turns out, it was wrongly priced, and it was actually selling for about RM120!!!! Bah.
Anyway, apparently, if there are sufficient orders, they can order the small tart rings, (the wonder woman bracelets), stainless steel. Anyone wants? I want at least 10. Say 3" dia x 2" height, or something like that. They cost about RM20 each.
shop is called IS. Same people who own the Bodum distributorship. That's the best thing abt Delia - her recipes always work so wonderfully. Hooray for old Brit cooks versus new fangled ones.
Wah, you got bluestone for RM40 only? Score!
Think Snowdrop would want some wonderwoman braclets (I'd only use them to actually impersonate wonder woman)...I'll ask her, since she can't read your blog from her office.
ooops, bad english, on my part, spot. i meant i got the RING for RM40, because the bluestone dish was wrongly priced and she felt bad she couldnt sell it to me at the tagged price.
boo, yup, delia's pretty reliable, though watching her is like going to school and listening to teacher. as opposed to the buxom nigella...
Wah... such nice new kitchen toys... love that little kettle timer.
Pie looks yums. *salivates*
Oh My! that chicken pie looks so good! good job :)
Cute timer at a good price too! Hope it's still available this weekend.
wandernut and tummythoz, yar, the timers are cute. dont worry, those arent on sale, RM5.90 (or was it 6.90) is the normal price. lots of other cute shapes too. blender, etc etc.
cooking diva, thank you...how's panama?
*shy* at first I thought the timer was a real kettle timer.
what about cohesive? ... Pic looks delicious!
Dig the Kettle! Love the Chiken Pie!
UnkaLeong, is that how chicken is called in Thailand??? just kiddin@! I love IS, great stuffs at cheap prices ... but must choose carefully.
FBB, Love that pastry ... must check out this Delia's recipes.
I broke the timer in my Pictionary set. Maybe I should get the kettle timer as a replacement.
The pie looks goooooood!
And anything is easier than making puff pastry from scratch! I've given up on making them for over two years now.
audrey, snigger...about the chiken...
LL, what a brilliant idea. my taboo set timer oso kiao. hey, you into board games? my faves are articulate, taboo...overdosed on pictionary in my youth. even had a competition in carcosa seri negara...
izad..yar, well, i've never even attempted making puff pastry from scratch. i think you need a cold room to do that in.
i'd love the mini rings but... actually har, i just hiau want only - i dont actually know what to do with them! harhar. thought i could use it to "cut" through a large cake so get nice small round servings... so i onlt need ONE. hee
got a tip about the butter from rohani jelani's class. what she taught is to ROLL the butter in the flour (which should also be refrigerated first if you plan ahead) then grate, and keep on rolling and grating. and therefore dont hold butter at same spot, as your fingers would create a heat spot and melt it. try!
Abang Fatty
You have the recipe for the pie filling. I thought of inviting my mat salleh sis in law for brunch. So cannot make her nasi lemak lah. Maybe I'll try this. I have been scratching my head to find what to feed her. First time I'm inviting my SIL
snowdrop, duhh, ONE?
adik bunga, here it goes:
1 roast chicken shredded to size of your choosing
handful chopped chives, or coriander or both
one cup grated cheddar cheese
6 button mushrooms sliced, or 1 can champignons
(optional suggestions: some potato, or frozen veggie mix, ie, peas, carrots and corn)
1½ cups cream
mix all together and chuck into your pie. usually i just use pampas puff pastry.
hey, i never knew you were malay. kahwin mat salleh? thats why staying there la? children sure very cute one hoh.
The teapot is cute! and I like a slice of the pie as well! Plssssssssssss!
Nice chi-pie!! I love pie, but often find those sold in shops unpalatable, because they don't use butter? And yes, Delia's the best (as with Nigella.. something about that British accent... Ainsley is also fun to watch!)
I also heard that wrapping butter in aluminium foil while grating may help in reducing the heat spot. Did you try?
Thank you Abang Fatty. I memang Malay kawin dgn mat salleh. Anak ada 2 saja. Itu pun dah pening kepala.
Hey FBB, I have a Taboo set but have been trying to get my hands on Articulate? Where to find???
ka..t, nothing worse than the taste of PASTRY MARGARINE in pastry. blehhhhh. I use butter, butter and more of it. and yes, of course I tried using the aluminium foil trick to grate. Problem is the last bits.
flower, hats of to you, raising kids in oz without domestic help. if i lived there, i'd opt for celibacy.
wmw, here donch have articulate. have to buy overseas. we should get together for a game, its riotous.
jackson, bought oridi. you owe me RM6.90. (not RM5.90 as i originally thought).
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