However, more interesting than that (by a toss), was meeting this Budapest lass, (actually she's Msian)...with whom I clicked faster than an adulterous woman would click her door locked when hearing her husband's car pull up in the driveway. Fabulous, absolutely fabulous. A toast to you, dear Jaded Poetry, .....!!!
Earlier on in the day, WMW, PP, Unkaleong and I met for lunch (my inaugural meeting with Bangkok Bachelor) at Ah Sang. I shall leave the professionals to post better pictures of the Bak Kut Teh.
And by the way, further radio silence from me, until Thursday, as I will be away down south in the republic with the kids.
15 comments: exposed my secret...hahaha! Thanks for the lunch! Drooling at the abs now. HAHAHA!
what is UP with the obsession with unka's abs? sheesh.
it WAS, on the other hand, lovely to meet you too. not every day you can play the but-what-about-that-song?! game with someone. and about musicals, no less :)
have fun down south! (i guess you mean singapore. my mind drifts to different kinds of souths)
Sorry I didn't go - very tired last nite. Looks like I missed out on mr. famous abs again. Have fun at Spore.
woiks...never ask permission. I should start asking for copyright charges.
Hey dude ... I am missing so much around town. I need to catch up quick. What's been happening in town ? I was away in Singapore the whole of last week man ..... seminar.
Had so much fun at the Attic last nite. U guys put me to shame lar. Before I could even turn on my camera, ur cameras were flashing away! Wei...why never call me for BKT ar? :-P
Must had tasted yummy.
Wow...looks damn good. The bak kut teh, i mean hehe :)
Eh, yummy abs and lunch....What was I doing? Pointing or poking unkaleong ? And are you putting these six pack abs photos up as an inspiration? :o)
OK folks, time to move on to OTHER assets. ;-) How about his ;-) LOL
Yeah Sze. Enough lor hor? ;-)
Unkaleong ah, we love you for more than your abs...really! hehehe
when will dis 6 pack biz end ar..? i need my own 6 pack d lar..cannot tahan..300 crunches some1 say a day? nah no thanks on 2nd thought
wmw, u giving lessons on anatomy? Or just pointing some imperfection (God forbids)?
hey Fbb howbout some juicy side views or topdown gazes of curvy
b_ _ bs for a change maybe compliments from any of our curvilicious dear lady floggers aka 2 packs style ?
should be great fun
Just had to come and catch a look at those abs I've been hearing so much about! Hmmm...WMW, you only pointing or what else???? Next time he's in town I want to see (and feel) for myself.LOL!!!
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