Anyway, upon further exploration, to my great relief, there was no need for cake decoration, as the very capable Saw Leng of Electrolux, who also happened to be an old friend of mine, was taking care of that aspect of the launch, and would make the cupcakes and icing and conduct the icing and decoration workshops. So, all I had to do was bake some cupcakes, and pizza.
The new Inspiro is a highly intelligent oven, that requires no preheating, and with one touch of the button, you can select from an array of baking options, from cake, to bread, to bagels, to pizza. And under the sub heading of pizza, there's thick crust, thin crust, frozen, etc. Really, quite amazing. So canggih so much so there had to be a dry run, lest the oven was TOO intelligent.

So, ahead of time, I made my way to the Electrolux office in Jaya 33, and conducted an impromptu demo on how to make Banana Cupcakes, and Pizza from scratch. Quite nice to have all these chicks hovering around with great fascination. If I wasn't married yet, I probably can find a bride quite easily with all these cooking demos. While not much to behold aesthetically, and though women try to hide it, the way to their hearts is through their stomach. Contrary to men.... the way to their hearts is ...errr, below their stomach. Oh dear, I hope the Electrolux organisers arent reading this.

The Electrolux flagship store is located in Solaris Dutamas, and you really CANNOT miss it. Decked up with three functional kitchens, and rows of Electrolux appliances, it really is quite a treat to be able to conduct a class there.

The who's who of Electrolux(M) were there for the launch, I guess. Also present was the lady who had designed the Inspiro, who gave us a very interesting talk on the rationale behind the designs etc. Indeed, a lot of thought had gone into creating a highly intelligent oven.

After the unveiling for the oven, I was then tasked with making a few quips...and proceeded to demonstrate how to make pizza in that oven. True to my undecorated form, the pizza took on a free form, not your usual round pizza, mainly because we had to use back the original electrolux tray that came with the oven. The crust was nicely cooked, thankfully, and the demo went without a hitch. I could get used to the camera rolling in front of me I think. Offers anyone? HALLLO, AFC, are you listening??? Chef Wan-nabe in the making.

Anyway, I had a fun time, and special thanks again to the Fried Chillies Team, for giving me the lead, and for the Electrolux team for having the faith in me to pull it off.