When I first got the invitation from Nazeen of Mongoose, the PR company (not the animal that kills snakes) that does Time Out KL, for the introduction of HOT CAN, I mentally pictured a row of hot french dancers doing the Can Can...ala Moulin Rouge.
Actually, I had NO idea what we were in for.... was it a launch of a coffee? A food review? (in Havana, Changkat Bt Bintang)....and not only was I blur in that department, when I arrived, I noticed the place was called Havana, and not Little Havana....and I distinctly recall seeing the words LITTLE Havana in the invite, so panic!!! Called Ciki, but no reply. Thankfully, Pure Glutton answered the phone, and I was at the right place. Little Havana grew up over the years, and is now Havana.

After some finger food of crabcakes and fried chicken wings, the CEO of Hotcans was invited to give a speech. Dato Kenneth Cole, if I am not mistaken, his name was. Anyway, to my surprise, it is actually a Malaysian born and bred invention. (the Cans, not the CEO). Basically, as the banner says, it is about self heating drinks.

He demonstrates to us, how with the push of one "button" at the base of the can, and a few shakes, voila, a piping hot drink.

An intriguing mechanism, within the can, that basically uses the basic reaction of lime(I think it must be quicklime, calcium oxide)
and water, to produce heat. Exothermic reactions, all of you who have forgotten your KIMIA 101. I've seen vats of boiling lime on construction sites, back when I was a lai soi lou (concrete pourer). At this point, I was still an unbeliever, and imagined a lukewarm can of latte, and wondering what good that was.

Hookk here trying his hand at shaking the can vigorously till it "STEAM". A clever contraption at the base of the can works in such a way that it breaks the seal between the lime and the water, creating a mini stove within the can, to heat up the drink. AND, the temperatures actually rise quite high!!!!! After 3 minutes of vigorous shaking, you get a drink that can quite easily scald your lips.
I WAS NOW A BELIEVER!!!!! IT WORKS!!! Amazing. Teckiee was already making plans to get a few for her camping trips. Youth of today. Nothing like starting a big bonfire in the tropical jungles during a camping trip, rather than relying on modern technology.

The drinks come in 3 flavours for now, Latte, Mocha, Hot Chocolate. I am not sure where you can buy them, but they retail for approx RM6 per can.
It was a fun night out, with the many usual suspects, BabeKL, PureGlutton, Chocaholic, Ciki, Nipple Joe, Teckiee, Alexandra of Fried Chillies, and met some new people, like Chaokar.
Well, I have to say, I AM impressed. I think it will do well in the west, esp in winters. (apparently there's already been an order by Walmart).
Thanks Nazeen for the invite!