A thick bratswurst, full of gamey flavours?

Or Oxford Sausages, presumably from the University of the same name? ie, highly intellectual, quite soft, as in not tough, and very err......pink?

Or English Breakfast? Fair, shortish, but universally acceptable, both by kids and adults? The meat texture is really like processed meat, but better quality.

Or a cocktail sausage? Small, nimble, easy to handle, and can be popped into the mouth in one swift movement?

Or are you a Hungarian sausage, long, flexible (can be bent), interesting flavours, meaty, spicy, ....rather exotic actually....

And finally, do you prefer your sausages cut or uncut?

The above the preparations for an Oktoberfestavali Brunch....Sausages & Beer, Whisky & Muruku...amongst other food....
Total damage: 3 bottles Macallan, 6 bottles hoegarden, probably around 12 -18 cans of assorted local beers....
Poor beer showing!!! Sigh. What am I going to do with the remaining 80 cans?
Aiya, I guess it's cos everyone attacked the whisky. I know I did. ;)
Also, I think I had a surfeit of bratwursts and other assorted sausages at the Oktoberfest earlier... :P
Anyway, 80 cans of beer... You could make a lot of good beer batter for some fish 'n' chips?
throw nuther pahteh.. ;D
I agree with cumi&ciki...throw another party to finish off the 80 cans. I promise this time, i will help!
Well, I did take a coupla beers. So did your son. LFB and Ciki should be penalised. Make them eat your sausage.
As much as I like my sausage to be a cross between Oxford, Hungarian and Chorizo, it's obvious what we are bestowed upon. Lap Cheong.
I was about to get my fourth can of beer when everyone started ooh-ahh-ing about the whiskey. So, the kiasu me had to start with the hard one earlier lor. haha!
And LL is right, Bald Eagle had to take the bottle away from your son. I think he was holding a bottle of Budweiser. Ok lar, to be fair, there was only like a spoonful left in the bottle.
HAHAHAHAHA.. Oktoberfestavali!!!
Nic is right.. nothings beats lap cheong. Esp the liver ones!! *smack lips*
But I quite enjoy the Irish and Cumberland sausages here. And I miss those fat BBQ sausages that Cold Storage used to sell (the ones with really thick skin - I liked biting through them and have the juices spurt out..).
Aiyah.. now I'm going to have to run to our deli to get some sausages. I hope they have the long ones that are coiled up like a red rubber hose. Good stuff - fits nicely into my frying pan.
Sausages - Yum!
Beer - Yum!
Macallan - YUMMYYY!!!
hahah who told u to not hide the whiskey..the whiskey was brilliant!..definititely no match for carlsberg..
nxt time throw a bbq party and serve beer only..
nipples, yala, should've stuck to oktoberfest. but i worried some chicks dont drink beer ma.
dharm, invite me to your "restaurant" and i'll bring the macallan... (saw ur comment on AWOL'S)
GFAD, there were the chinese lap cheongs, the liver ones, but i forgot to take pic. they were courtesy of the festavalians.
hairy berry, hoegarden la, the boy was holding. good whisky hor.
AWOL, i think they ate the sausages mah.
precious, that's why la, so busy shopping...you missed a great time.
ciki, with watermelon vodka hor....
LFB, ARGH, i have no candid shots of you this time!!! HOW CAN!!!
LL .. so naughty.. "make LFB and ciki eat YOUR sausage.. "
erm, which one ah?
I had like 6 cans of beer, I'm sure Adeline had at least two bottles of Hoegarden. Erm..We really should have another party to jelp you finish the booze ;)
Me, Chinese sausage - a bit plump but wrinkly, a bit smelly and overripe. :D
argus, GUFFFFAW.... my imagination is running wild.
unka, we should, we should.
ciki, she IS naughty ISNT she!
ooo... I forgot. A bit sweet and wine-y, too. ;-P
I'm very lau-how-sueh already!!!
So in addition to your cakes being my addiction, all these temptations?!!
;p Cecilia
PS- we loved, loved the Baked Mars Bar Cheesecake
leftover gourmet beer for chinese new year?
or else can you for disinfecting cuts and bruises. :P
PS: one beer a day keeps the rainy days away.
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