dreaming of the days gone by,
when hope was high, and fun was blogging,
we dreamed of oily food that's fried,
we thought our waists would be forgiving....
But we were young and unafraid,
And creams were whipped,
and never wasted,
No free reviews, and bills were paid,
No food untouched, no wine untasted,
Argh, I am getting carried away. So anyway, inspired by the limericking, Thamby and I decided to race to see who could post a 5 verse limerick first. Harumph. She's a natural that one, how will I ever compete.
Anyway, a few weeks back, I had a small luncheon order, to cater for a group of people, and one of the items on the menu was a Waldorf Salad. I used to make this a lot, but then mayo went out of fashion, much like shoulder pads of the 80s....and people just had those new fandangled dressing that was pretty much anorexic, like olive oils and balsamic vinegars....
So here's the recipe for a good old Waldorf Salad.

For Thamby and Tim, who like their salad
I give this recipe, though its no ballad
It has lots of nuts
Which helps you to fart
And fibre for good flow for innards
First you chop up some celery
Do a bollywood dance around a tree
Half some plump grapes
Then draw the drapes
And make love like teenagers in Glee.
The apples you must cut and then cube
Meanwhile, don't forget the lube
Some walnuts you'd toast
And Tim's nuts you'd roast
Standby the mayo, jar or tube
Now if you're done with the chopping
You can now proceed with the tossing
Add to the aforementioned mayo
Some yoghurt and also some alio
Undraw the drapes, and put on the dressing
You can line the bowl with some foliage
The way the bra cups your cleavage
When tossing the stuff
Dont be so rough
Ta Dah, A Salad Hard to Upstage
For those who don't read poetry, ahem,
2 celery stalks
10 seedless grapes
2 red apples
Cup Walnut Toasted
Half Cup Almond Slivers Toasted
1 head Romaine Lettuce
3/4 cup mayo + 1/2 cup yoghurt, dash of lemon juice and tablespoon sugar
Slice the celery, dice the apple and grapes, toss together nuts and dressing
Line a bowl with lettuce leaves, and pour in rest of salad.