Then I realised the ringing usually starts at noon. Perhaps it was my diet, as I was prone to have irregular breakfasts and lunch, so maybe the lack of blood sugar was causing a ringing in my ears. Everyday, without fail, there it was, that ringing sound, almost like churchbells, except using mouse sized bells....
THEN I SAW IT...................
Argh, McVALUE lunch, RM5.95, with a guy holding the board, and bell, ringing it with the boredom of Quasimodo after vespers....
Phew, quite a hefty savings on the Neurologist bill.
Yeah, so anyway, after a celebrity filled Thursday, having met Ciki, Jackson, PM, Stephen Rahman Hughes all in one day, I bumped into yet another celebrity, in Ikano, after my Body Step class at the Curve. Truth be told, I knew he was going to there, as it was advertised in the papers, but I was trying my luck that he would be there up close and personal.
Well, AWHIFFOFLEMONGRASS was suitably envious.....

But don't be, coz I've even taken pics with him personally before. So it's not my first time seeing the guy. Ahem.
Nuff said.....
Action pot.
serious?? they got ppl walkin ard w a bell?? wahh..McD sales hit by recession ah?? I myself saw hired young uns wearing boards (front n back) advertising Dominoes lunch set be4 but McDs??
errmmm me hubby wont allow me to go up close to him cos he said "if he ever did a 'bobby chinn' on you, i'll punch him up" :P
if u hv not heard wat he did to dat spore actress andrea kekeke
u bought ur big dslr to gym?? wahlau eh..
YOU are the true celeb, bro!!!
julian si, hahhaha, wat rarbish!!!! too kind la u. (haha, u actually went to the hanoi link! tq tq, not worthy)
nipples, aiyo, u mean my dslr pic quality is so cha u cant even tell the diff between p&s and dslr!!! hahaha, cors not la...those are from my trusty old lumix...
babe, no wor, what did he do?
TNG, yup, serious...and its darn annoying...
AWOL, who was hobnobbing with the OWNERS of AFC??? mine oni see him from afar...even with my cooking house connections, i koon get a private audience.
I am super jealous, you met him twice! Sooo, has he lost his passion, or he still is as he was? Irregardless, he still look soooo cheeky horrrrr.
I'd be jeles too except I dun really care for celebs lah. I think FBB is more more celeb lah. Means I keep rubbing shoulders with you lagi best, kan? LOL
LFB, hahah, what nonsense.
lianne, i dunno what he was like before vs dunno if any passions been lost, but he seemed very entertaining...
Just was going to suggest d possibility of accummulated earwax and then .. Mc D oni isit.
this kind of celebrities have a good marketing skill... I mean, self-marketing. There are so many good cooks all around the globe but why he's the one who is being recognised??? Bottom line it's down to how well you market yourself...
ever consider making yourself more famous??? lol...
Commenting on thule aka leo's comment, ya lor...i think you will be a successful celebrity baker also; funny, fun and cheeky! Err..then I guess I better start taking more pics with you first. Hehe!
precious pea, awww, you so kind... even when i become a celebrity...chef or otherwise, you can always take picture with me ler... hahaha.
thule, you got jalan to make me famous or not? i need to be "discovered" by someone!!! hahah.
tummythoz...yalor, i thought it was neuro....
Well... let me see first. Need to get in touch with some ppl and pull some strings... lol! Don't worry... your talent will not go unnoticed.
He grabbed Andrea from the back and kissed her in front of cameramen whilst on the red carpet of some premier in Spore on the pretext of I dunno wat...
So what's the McValue lunch? A burger and a drink for RM5.95?
gfad, so whats wrong with that? andrea whoever should be honored what....chis...
i guess that's what the mcV lunch is la...
leo, aww, how kind of you. thanks in advance..
woah, u with bobby, awol with stroobant cum afc, me with fbb...we are all blessed indeed. ;)
btw, mcV here oso got, in sg...i think S$4.95 oso...but i prefer KFC lar..haha!
hahaha no la..u put collage d cannot c mah...
in any case, u still bought ur camera to gym!?
maybe its bcoz i havent been living with a compact camera...must go get 1 la..
wah the poor macd fella. lol. i m craving for the 5.95 set, damn it, why ttdi has no macd????
There was a big hooha over the entire episode. Pierre wasn't too happy about it, to put it mildly. BC had to publicly apologise. No sex pls, we're Sporeans..
Oops! that's the brit-ish.. :D
May I pls have your autograph on my copy of your dinner menu? *smiles sweetly*
FYI, the google ad on top of your post talks about 'tinnitus'..
gfad, pierre as in png? the guy who gave her half his liver? well, yeah, i guess if i donated half my liver to some chick, i might not be amused if a chef toyed with it...the chick i mean, not the liver..
who are you asking for an autograph of? bobby chinn? what tinnitus again?
xin, ttdi has no mcD? GASP!!!! HOW CAN THAT BE!!!!!
nipples, i dun usually carry camera to gym ler..i knew that the fler going to be demo-ing in ikano mah, so i brung it lor.
hairy, really? i hear they abbreviated it to KFC because there is no real chicken KENTUCKY FRIED CHICKEN is misrepresentation....true ah?
I bumped into him while shopping for the baby shower with our PR manager that day too. He was shopping for his ingredients before the show.
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