Even better, I was allowed to ask whomever I thought suitable, so of course, in the true spirit of cronyism, I called Thamby, Alison Victor, (who also brought along as a bonus, Lil Chef, Michael Elfwing), Pick Shan (Babe KL) and me. Well, I didn't have to call me.
The Academy of Pastry Arts is located in Wisma Thrifty, opposite the PJ Hilton, above the Giant and Courts Mammoth.
This gorgeous sight greeted us upon arrival.

We were given a briefing by the gorgeous Hanne landgraf, the Customer Relations Executive of AoPA, accompanied by the very animated and affable Lejeune Guillame, Director of Pastry Arts, Matthias Schuebel, Consultant, and Chef Tan.

The Work stations for students to embark on their pastry journey.

The chocolate station

The sugarwork station

Where the buns go into the ovens

Dough Roller....

Guillaume was demonstrating to us how to make Macarons. While its not the first time I've seen Macarons made, I have to say I have a strange fascination for the various methods people make them. Neither am I a macaron fan, when it comes to eating. I have to say, Guillaume made it look all too easy.

The participants trying their hand at piping the macarons. It really wasn't as easy as it looks. They come in all shapes and sizes, literally. There is something however, magical, about gravity, that kinda makes the batter spread out to a fairly even circle.

We broke up into two teams, and of course, since we had Michael Elfwing on OUR team, had it been a competition, we'd have won hands down. I simply love the expressions on Guillaume's face when he is engrossed in his work. His pouty lips, his cheeky grin, full of expression.

Guillaume demonstrates how a stiff peaked meringue can be held over Aly's head.

Completed chocolate macarons, decorated with edible gold leaf.

Piping the raspberry filling for the pink macs.
And then, it was makan time!!!!

What a spread, complete with Cava before noon. Or just about at noon.

Finally, when our macs cooled, we piped them, and look at the contrast!!!
Kudos to the Academy of Pastry Arts on their recent opening, and wishing them every success in their programs. A great option for aspiring young chefs. They also conduct more casual classes on a workshop basis for the amateurs, like us. Check out their website HERE. There are two upcoming specialty classes, SUGAR CLASS by CHEF Stephane Treand, 14th -17th Oct, and PLATED DESSERT, MODERN FRENCH PASTRY & CAKES, 15-17th Nov, by Chef Michel Willaume.
By the way, the pastries did not only look good, but tasted delicious too, as is to be expected from Chefs like Guillaume and Matthias.
Thanks so much to Jade for organising, and to Matthias, Guillaume, Hanne and Tan for your gracious hospitality.
Needless to say, us students had a great fun time.
Academy of Pastry Arts
Lot 2-A 2nd Floor Wisma Thrifty
19 Jalan Barat
46200 Petaling Jaya
Tel: 03-79603846
Wah. So class now FBB.
More n more in the presence of chefs/ ppl whose names I have no idea how to pronounce... lol.
(Matthias, Guillaume, Willaume??)
(Mmmmm, everything looks so delicious tho!! *drool*)
Very nice pics. The black background brings out their beauty. Thanks for inviting me to join the macarons session. Now I can make macarons too.
Perhaps some subtle feedback could be passed on to those in charge at the Academy.
If it wants to be taken seriously as a professional outfit, it might be a really good idea to get the text on their website extensively copy-edited and proof-read ASAP.
"You could be someone who wants to start a career in pastry field or could be an existing professionals like doctor, lawyer , engineer or Marketing Executive"
So ngam, I happened to see this place from some flyer before I left and was wondering what kind of credibility they have.
So how do you pronounce 'Guillaume'?
hahaha! so good the last shot! reminds me of the expression "melting in the heat" or "so hot my makeup melted" or "pretty in pink.. NOT!"
ohh the 2nd picture dessert, looks like this signature dessert by some famous aust pastry chef, got me all drooling to finding where to get hold of a piece!
thanks =) cepatnya! =) eh, no need mention my name can ah? -jade-
jade, cannot la...must give credit where its due ma. thanks ya.
nips, yup, that 2nd cake is quite a famous cake...drat, i cant remember the name. and it was delicious.
ciki, actually it was our hot hands that caused the filling cream to melt ...you're not far wrong.
gad, gee yum...
spot, long time no see. re the copy, i have conveyed your observation to the organisers. i guess they're new, and the European chefs themselves did the copy, hence it sounds translated from either french or german.
thamby, sarky sarky.
J, hor, so class hor..
it's only a matter of time before someone comes up with macaron kisses, like hershey kisses, since both flow from a nozzle and are subjected to gravity. FBB, be the first, yo! ;D
I seriously think you need to get your lens cleaned. I am pretty sure there is a smudge somewhere.
Love the new blog look... very contemporary... for a lack of a better word.
Thanks for the invite, I really had a whale of time! *rubbing tummy*
Nice change of blog background colour but you might need to resize your pics to fit the post and also those on the side bar.
I thought you dedicated a post to my Aunt Pasty..... Ooops! Aunt Pastry..... Oooops! Aunt Patsy. Urghhhh!
yup, nigel skelchy, they are a good looking bunch...you'd think that being cute is a prerequisite for chefdom.
paranoid, haha, you know, the bizarre thing is, u crossed my mind when i typed the word pastry.
babekl, yalar, sooo blardy mahfan, this resizing of pics thing. so hou fui change template. cant even revert to old one.
frat, why? you can see the smudge in the pics meh?
hairy berry, macaron kisses? hahah, there are such cakes la, i've seen in recipe books. me not mac fan leh.
Was great fun having you at the Academy. Wanna see the new creations and recepies of the Chefs? Come and visit us on our Open Day, 4th September, 11am-5pm. See you?
dear hanne, thanks for dropping by. unfortunately i have something on sept 4th...
Nice pastry dish. I love pastry. Pastry is very delicious dish. Great article of pastry design and presentation. Chef make full afford to make this dish. Really nice. Thanks for sharing.
Beverly Karshner
Thanks for the blog information, the content is very good for read the students who are looking for start up their career in culinary arts..The Victoria international college has the one of the best academy of culinary arts in Malaysia for study abroad at low fees cost.
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