Kinda like a festive issue, covering Raya and Deepavali, this issue has an array of DELICIOUS recipes. Chef Devagi, the Spice Queen of Singapore, gave us a sample of her apricot chutney, (recipe in the magazine) which was ABSSSSOLUTELY DIVINE. Chef Ismail shares his childhood raya memories, ahem, interviewed by yours truly.
Chef Esa, handsome celebrity chef, features his recipes, including delectable nasi tomato, nasi dagang, etc.
SELAMAT HARI RAYA to all Muslim readers.
Announcement: Fatboybakes will be away from 22nd Sept to 2nd October. However, I have bought a new phone with WIFI capabilities, so I shall only be a click away.
FairyBodBaker*, you are just a click away.. :D
Happy Holidays with the entire brood ah.
*inspired by Shrek's Fairy Godmother - happiness is just a teardrop away..
You guys are SUPERSTARS lah, especially Miss Thambi :-)
Hugs from the middle east .. Happy Eid!!
happy hols! wll tweet ya!
Haha! My friends are all megastars I tell ya!
Wah so famous lah sekarang Chef Ismail. I remember that I used to buy a lot of western food for lunch from his little stall in Central Market Kl, Cha Cha Loco. I remembered once, he add a new dish on his menu and asked me how was it. It was Nasi Goreng Ikan Masin and I told him its as good as my mom's nasi goreng. It was a long time ago.
As for the Raya, it might not be as meriah as back home, but it still can be as enjoyable here in Perth. My kiddies managed to collect some duit raya too, beside the normal goodies bag. I think its a trend to give goodies bag to kids here.
How was your hari raya?
Sweet! FBB and LL's talents being showcased - More we say, more! :D
P.S. Happy Hols!
Happy holidays!!!
Take lots of pics and eat loads of food and drink loads of coffee ;p got WIFI phone dii?? Oh no..FBB gettin more wired-up now! Will u be tweeting 24/7 and posting pics as soon as u take 'em??
congrats, AWOL! u da superbomb, u are! :) wei, why never tell me u in the mag ar? hmmphhh...
have a great holiday, fbb! congrats on the new phone. i bet u bring it with u to your throne (re a message i read somewhere..hehe).
SHUPASTARS! bow bow.. luscious lemongrass and baker boy.. how cool;)
Selamat Hari Raya! Maaf Zahir dan Batin!!!
Got my copy tday at Times. Pixs look very good but I wasn't sure which ones were LL's though.
Hehe.. have you seen this? :)
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