Anyway, I watched with passing interest as he ordered his "power drink", at RM16 a pop. That went down faster than you can say "GULP". Verdict, "Baa Baaa" (translation from lambspeak,
"I'm being slaughtered").
Yeah, I can't say the other dishes were of particular interest. The soup tasted healthy alright, and was in the same league aesthetically as raw oat bran...if you get my drift. The organic gyozas (???) tasted like stodgy peanut butter in a difficult wrap. At this point, I couldn't really be bothered to even take out the camera from my pocket, as the effort was hardly commensurate with the target objects.
Then THIS beauty came along:

Doesn't that look divine!!!! Of course credit is due to ISD, who took the pictures. He claims copyright, but it's on my camera, so tough titties, or every waiter in town will be claiming copyright for pictures that they take for all the groupies that go, "excuse me ah, can take for us ah?".
Ah, but what is that wonderful old adage? Do not judge a book by it's cover? Yeah, well, words of ancient wisdom aren't to be taken lightly. Indeed. The noodle display may have LOOKED good, but put it this way, it's like looking at a beautiful painting of food and eating the canvas. That's how it tasted anyway.
Oh, yar, here's International Sperm Donor. You can contact him for contributions at 012-###****.
Oh yar, that little healthy lunch cost RM50.55. And that was for one person. So, basically living healthy is going to be the purview of the wealthy in time to come, looks like it.
Lol on the 'baa ..baaa' part.
Now I know why I have yet to visit Woods at their new premises.
Cool t-shirt - does this mean he has a gal in every port of call?
so wheres the place??
International Sperm Donor is a guy or a girl??? Am money for health food. Hehehe. soba?
u may be rite about eating healthy being the purview of the wealthy.
but of course one can mimic the same effect but at the fraction of the cost by eating cardboard / corrugated boxes.
smallertoe, yar, and for the soup you can just puree some blotting paper.
jason, yup, soba i think.
precious pea, girl can be sperm donor meh? they go with their mouths full?
nipples, i dont want to be slapped with libel suit.
boolicious, i'll let the fler answer himself. CALLING ISD, CALLING ISD.
tummythoz, yar, silence of the lambs.
lemongrass, at least the deceptions not as bad as making a 6 yr old look like nigella lawson..
But but come the last pic looks like got boobs one??? HAHAHAHAHHA!
man boobs are in
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