Saturday, April 18, 2009

Macarons From The Young Patissier

A few months ago, Young Breadpitt (I just LOVE that nickname...) posted on his blog asking for slogans on WHY one should date a pastry chef. Well, to be honest, if I were a woman, I won't, coz I'd want to have an hourglass figure, and dating a pastry chef would be like an alcoholic dating Remy Martin or J.C. Jacobsen.

Breadpitt was offering some lovely handmade pralines as a prize for the slogans, and well, I've never had much luck in slogan writing.... If I were to write a slogan for Anchor Beer, for example, I'd say, "Is your life tossing in the sea of tribulation like a ship about to sink? You need an ANCHOR!". Alas, the person interviewing me for a copywriting job didn't even bother looking up and said, "NEXT".

So yeah, I was pretty surprised when Breadpitt announced that I was one of two winners and qualified to get them lovely handmade pralines. Alas, being the procrastinator that I am, the hours turned to days, the days to weeks, the weeks to months, and the young patissier became increasingly frustrated at my lack of commitment to make it to the appointed place. The one time I could make it, he couldn't!!! Sigh. Anyway, maybe time and tide waits for no man, and neither would handmade pralines, so I guess I could see my box sprout wings and fly away.

Then he asks, "do you like macarons?", shortly after my macaron class. Duhh. Of course I like macarons, if they're of the same quality as Natalie Arbifeuille's. We begin again the negotiation of dates for the long awaited rendezvous....and I suspect macarons have an even shorter shelf life than pralines, so finally, Breadpitt offered to deliver them to a nearby location. Aiyo, I feel so bad. I OWE YOU A DINNER, young man. Or a drink at the very least.

So, finally, I got my hands on these babies. Aren't they simply gorgeous?

Complete with gold leaf. I don't think I've eaten gold leaf before. One only hears and dreams about these things.

The texture is almost similar to Natalie's, and by extension, French. Surprisingly, VERY surprising, it wasn't too sweet either. Breadpitt told me later that he added lemon to the filling, hence neutralising the sweetness. Yeah, we've been taught and told you absolutely CANNOT reduce the sugar quantities in thes French desserts. I couldn't resist popping one into my mouth immediately, although the prescription was to let it chill in the fridge overnight.

And yup, today, it was even better!!!! It actually crisps up in the fridge. Ah, with a cup of coffee, absolute bliss.

Thanks heaps, Breadpitt. You have a new fan!!!!


Agnes Cheong said...

omg...macarons...I wan!!! Linked u to my blog..heehee

Mh said...

Oooh..who wouldn't want a pastry chef for bf????? I dun care bout hourglass figure la....the pastry chef bf can feed me all he want, wahahahah!!!

And those lovely macaroons...i dunno if I'll have the heart to bite into them! They look so pretty...

worldwindows said...

My vocabulary expanded after reading this post. I am pastry-products-challlenged:)

Rebecca Saw said...

so it is possible to reduce the sugar aft all? yeah, same same..i was told it aint possible..macaroons are nice if its doesnt make me feel like i'm swallowin sugar cubes..

Breadpitt said...

lol...thanks dude, glad you enjoy those macarons....!;-)

qwazymonkey said...

Geesh! Somebody please tell me where I can sign up for these freebies too? LOL. I can do anything but date a pastry chef on the side. McC would not be amused if that happens.

Lovely macarons, but the pink scares me.

minchow said...

Hmm lemme see... hourglass figure, gorgeous macarons, hourglass figure or gorgeous macarons? It's a nobrainer! Nothing's gonna come between me and my future pastry chef boyfriend! Where do I get one?

Rarebeet said...

mmmmmm you lucky lucky man. I lurrrrveeee macaroons. I absolutely cannot resist them. Sigh... And they are so pretty too.

fatboybakes said...

paprika, well, i am saving my egg whites to attempt making them...
but i doubt they'll be half as pretty.

550ml, the link is there....hahahah...

qwazymonkey, i'm speechless. i dunno what to say.

breadpitt, thanks again, esp for coming all the way to send them. you look exactly like your pictures.

fatboybakes said...

TNG, no, its not possible apparently to reduce sugar, hence the need to neutralize the sweetness with something it bitter chocolate or sour lemon...

WW, hahah, what new words exactly did you learn?

mh, admiring something like this, and not having the heart to bite into it, is like owning your dream car and not having the heart to drive it....

agnes, thanks for dropping by and thanks for the link...will link you too.

"Joe" who is constantly craving said...

looks like u got alot of female readers on the prowl for young pastry chefs..hope that breadpitt has ALOT ALOT of friends..hahaha

thule a.k.a leo said...

if you are not married FBB, you would have scored yourself very high among those female fans... hahaha!!! Now you are still popular... no doubt about that too... lol!
I'd do anything to lay my hands on those macarons...

fatboybakes said...

haha, thanks thule. not sure about that la.
err, did you say you'd do "ANYTHING"?!!! hahahah....careful what you wish for.

nipples, yalar hor, should start dating agency. APACHE sdn bhd...AVAILABE PASTRY CHEFS...

awol said...

Such a pretty box too. Wonderful that there are so many talented chefs around. We should count ourselves lucky.

GFAD said...

First time I ever had macarons was almost 10 years ago, from Strudels (or was it Just Strudels?? Or are they the same??) at Lucky Garden. That time, they only came in beige, off-white and brown. Unlike today where they come in bright green la, vivid pink la, canary yellow la. Ouch.. my jaw still hurts from the thought of all that sugary sweetness!!

Anyway, 10 years and countless blogs on the venerable sweet later, I thought perhaps my tastebuds have become more sophisticated and time to give them another try. This time I bought from Le Nôtre, a french cafe in the city. At almost RM6 a piece, you can expect what kind of expectations I had. Sad to say, they were not as light and crisp as I thought they'd be. And they were so miserly with the filling too. Sigh... :(

Will you be the one to restore my faith in french pastry??

you have... oh give or take.. 2 months and 4 days to perfect your macaron..

HairyBerry said...

i've never seen macarons with gold leaf before! so good looking lar, these frenchies!

so fbb, how about your slogan writing contest? the winner(s) leh? hehehehehe...

Mh said...

hahaha...Ok la, FBB. If you starting dating agency, I'll sign up...! Do we get free cakes, macaroons for signing up ar???

fatboybakes said...

mh, aiyo, got dating agency service free oridi ma... then when got successful transaction you can get free pastry for life la.

hairy berry, thanks for the reminder. that spurred thamby into action. those frenchies are purty arent they.

GFAD, atcherlly ah, not being an expert in macs at all, the one made by the french chef arent really light and crisp per se you know. you'd think since so much egg white was involved, you'd expect something like a pavlova airy fairy kinda texture...but no la. its quite subtle one. crispish on the outside, chewy but not gooey on the inside....that kinda thing. i will certainly NOT be the one to restore your faith.

thamby, ya, pretty box hor.

Selba said...

Seriously.. I've never ever eaten macarons in my life!!! not even seen it... I wonder how come no one sells in Jakarta?

bill said...

In describing the 30-year-old whisky, I think you mean oaky tones rather than okay tones. By the way, the best way to remember whisky/whiskey is that there is no "e" in Scotland or whisky, but there is an "e" in Ireland, America and whiskey