Thursday, May 03, 2007

Speedy Gonzales I'm Not

It has nearly been a week since that eventful gathering of Food Bloggers at Sandias. It was actually a KLUE Rsvp Martell event, but Boolicious very cleverly used it as an ideal springboard to organise a floggers get together. Fixed price, free flowing alcohol, fixed menu, fine company, food talk, the true food blogger's paradise. Well, after meeting them all, (I think there were about 30 of them), I realise that I don't really qualify as a hardcore food blogger.

For starters, I certainly do not have the array of photos displayed on other blogs, but for good reason. Shy lah, how to take pictures amidst the see foos. All the canggih equipment, and the food paparazzi attacking the food as if it was the corpse of a dead princess. Also, I was more interested in drinking, and eating, (in that order), to calm my nerves, as I am very shy in the midst of so many people in new company. The first people I met upon entering Sandias were actually not related to the food blogger fraternity, so I was a bit thrown off scent. But soon enough, the familiar faces of Boolicious, Jackson, and Nigel (although he does not know me, I knew him), WMW, ....the list grew exponentially larger, and I think the alcohol must have been destroying my braincells instantaneously because I can barely put name to face now. So, let me just highlight a few people whom I did manage to speak to for the first time:

The famous Nigel Skelchy : Not even after much conversation, we discovered how bizarrely small KL is, and how our pool of mutual acquaintances make incest in the royal family look like mail order brides. (translation: KL social circle everyone overlap la)

The legendary pioneer food blogger, Babe In the City : Missed her at the original food gathering, and somehow she didnt look at all like what I imagined. Actually, I don't know what I imagined, but she seems very down to earth and friendly, despite the cult status.

The Young Cute Couple, Kampung Boy and City Gal: Them, and a few others (Xiu Long Bao and Char Siew Bao), made me feel old.

The multi talented salsa hip gyrating Timothy Low: Runs a salsa school (I prefer guacamole), and maintains a food blog as a part time thing. Even got name cards printed for this purpose. That's dedication. And for those of you wondering, we did share something that looked very similar, waist down.

Jason from Ipoh Mali : Omigawd, I thought he was 15!!!!

Celebrity Riz Ainuddin : Apparently has a very large following in the local scene. With that actor-ish looks, not surprised la.

Eat First Think Later: Goes by the name Teckie, a gregarious young lady, who I reckon, ahem, would go very well with Living in Food Heaven. Actually, she sat next to me. Such a SPYT.

TUMMYTHOZ: although strictly speaking, it's not my FIRST time meeting her, its the first time I met her and her other half and managed to get more than 5 words of conversation.

Now, apologies if I've left out anyone, but I also vaguely remember, throught the clouded vision induced by Martell, (I had about 12 drinks at least), Joe who is constantly craving, Kenny Mah, Adly of Fried Chillies, Precious Pea, apart from those I already know, ie, Boolicious, WMW, Lemongrass, Paprika, Jackson, ....gee, all of 5!!!

Shan't bother with the food reviews, as many have blogged about it, with superb photos, but a note of thanks to Nigel for the Phase II pencuci mulut, their famous chocolate cheese cake. Very yummy, but created havoc with those who have alcohol dairy intolerance like me.

Anyway, just a vague picture to show that yes, I was there. For proper food reviews on the event, go to Babe's Blog, which I believe has the most updated list.


Lyrical Lemongrass said...

Hey you! Had a great time with you guys, as always. You did look a bit stoned by the time we hit the Attic, though. ;-)

backStreetGluttons said...

LL, V believe he still is considering the no of days ( & nights ) he must have taken to come up with this overcontrast tale ! V can imagine if another team was there s i g h

wmw said...

Better late than never FBB...Looking forward to your invite for makan at your house! ;o)

UnkaLeong said...

Makan? House? Am I inivited? Hahah...

Anonymous said...

no a daddy of 4 offsprings..ur still very young n energetic..

"Joe" who is constantly craving said...

i would have got very worried if i didnt see my name..seeing that i was just seating right opposite you!..yes free flow complaints..

Babe_KL said...

fbb you are just too humble and for the heck of it, where got shy lah LOL esp after some Martells. eh why table me? since when i have garner any cult status?

i guess you have imagined that i must be one hell of a cun babe and how sad it turned out not LOL :p thank goodness there were a couple of cun babes in red to compensate haha

Tummythoz said...

Wow. Your pic caught my best side!
Thx for reminding me of the night's juicy 'incest discovery'. Unbelievable! Err.. what's SPYT? I oni knows SYT.

Allan Yap & Nigel A. Skelchy said...

MAKAN! I'll come... ;-)

Eh call me please. Don't have your number lah. Ohhhhh...I'll call Jackson and ask him for your number...

Anonymous said...

wow, every one is having a gathering, sounds cool!

Anonymous said...

Hey dude, you're just way too generous with your compliments. By the way, thank you very much for your visit to my site. And dude, when shall we do the photo shoot thingy ?

Kenny Mah said...

"And for those of you wondering, we did share something that looked very similar, waist down."

O and what is that, may we ask? :D

P.S. Glad to have met you that night, you with a glass of Martell ever in your hands, heh.

teckiee said...

hahaha u and joe had your glasses of Martells refilled quite a number of times. Every time i look over it's empty glasses only. Hm whats SPYT and SYT?

fatboybakes said...

LL, me stoned? nooo way la. those martell glasses hold less alcohol than those mini communion cups.

tonixe, i wish you were there la. needed some hardcore drinking kaki. breaks my heart to see unfinished plonk.

wmw, unka, nigel...makan? what makan? am i invited? nigel, save my number ya.

kgboycitygirl, haha, father of 4 offspring...yalar, i am the most happening father of 4 that i know. ahem.

joe, how could i forget.

babe - what rubbish, you are absolutely GORGEOUS. in fact, i WASNT expecting a cun babe, but turns out, i was wrong. you're in that nigella lawson category babe!!!

tummythoz - actually i got lots of photos of you phase 2.

kenny mah, i didnt know you are SOOO multitalented and faceted. body balance instructor some more!!!, articulate instructor. now that's rare.
what did tim and i share waist down??? hahaha, for us to know, for you to find out. and the glass of martell in hand was a security blanket. nice meeting you too.

tim, mah brada, thank you thank you so much for your generous offer of a photoshoot. will require planning, coz will need to do the entire repertoire and think of the positioning.
(Kenny, the photo shoot isnt for the waist down thing).

teckiee, SYT is sweet young thing, SPYT is sweet pretty young thing...
of course our glasses were always empty ler, one sip and its gone.

MeiyeN said...

how come my name is not here?!!!! :( :p

fatboybakes said...

OOOPS, how could i forget!!!! some more the star couple for the night, with wedding announcement and all!!!! AMPUN AMPUN!!!

Anonymous said...

FBB... it was nice to have meet you that night. They said I'm quiet, but I think you're more quiet than me leh.

Woah... 15yo??? Come come, must belanja you oredi ^^