Thursday, August 10, 2006

Blog Friend

This is not a food posting per se. It is related to this food blog though. One of the interesting thing about blogging is meeting all the new people in this virtual blogosphere. It's the modern day equivalent of pen pals I guess. In a food blog such as this, the people all share a common interest, ie, food.

Anyway, I've occasionally wondered who all these people are, what they look like, whether or not masak masak will organise a blogosphere get together, so I get to meet the culinary luminaries like herself, and others....Well, as it turns out, yesterday I actually met up with a fellow blogger for lunch, and it was a rather pleasant experienced. The illustrious young chappie is in the process of setting up a much more foodier can you get!!!!!

May I introduce you my first food blogging buddy who I've actually met:

Young man, you can be rest assured that we will descend on your restaurant and scrutinise every dish.

Ironically, we didn't take any pictures of our meal, which was basically at the new outlet, Shanghai 10 in Bangsar Baru, (replacing the Only Mee outlet), and dessert at Bakerzin. I never knew that tapas dessert set was so palatable. RM15 for 3 dessert tapas, and coffee. We had Banana Pizza, Raspberry Panna Cotta and Vanilla Cream Brulee .... I think.


Unknown said...

Haha. Thx fatboybakes.......

boo_licious said...

Er, am I supposed to organise a bloggers meet up? Ooops, sorry didn't know anything abt it.

Wow, great that you 2 met and we'll definitely support Jackson's restaurant when it's up!

P/s how wuz the food at Shanghai 10, heard good things abt it from friends and was planning to try it soon.

fatboybakes said...

hi boo, not "SUPPOSED" to lah, just hoping u would la, since you are the empress of floggers... (food bloggers)....
shanghai 10 ah? urm.......okay la, passable. but not something i would rave about. (hope they dont sue me)

boo_licious said...

hmmm, shanghai 10 suppose to be opened by a famous Shanghainese chef in town wor - friends all raving abt the food.

On the meet up, I'm super shy so don't think I'll be organising one!